alm.a.rte Art Teraphhy Transpersonal *Single Session (english)

$70 75 minutos


It is a program that I designed by fusing artistic practices with kundalini yoga, where using meditation, breathing techniques and physical exercises we will be able to unlock energies of the physical body that will allow us to enter a deeper space of communication with our internal or essential SELF.
Emptying ourselves of outside noise is essential to commit the practice with more openness and presence.

Far from practicing art with what is fashionable or based on pre-established criteria, we will use art as a path of Self-understanding, love of life and transformation.
It is important that you discover your particular way of perceiving life and The World and how you can express yourself in it with your own gifts and your creativity.
The creative dimension has always been present in human evolution, allowing us to generate new objects from the observation of what surrounds us, such as devising survival systems.
Practicing conscious art makes it easier for us to bring this creative process to meet our deepest dimension.
There are many experts who affirm that Art is healing in both sides by exercising it or by being the recipient. Picasso already named it in a very clarifying way when he said that “art shakes the dust of everyday life from the soul”
Transpersonal Art allows us to channel any emotion that needs to be expressed in a safe, friendly and respectful way to be understood.
It is a way of expression for what somehow remains hidden or not manifest. And that emphasizes the process of realization itself more than the final result.

In this practice of Transpersonal Art, silence and contemplative observation are the main guides. Generating a safe space where the person can explore their internal processes (thoughts, emotions…)

Transpersonal development allows us to go beyond the physical, the mental and the emotional, pointing us to a more Spiritual Dimension. where we not only take care of the work with that part called identity, but we walk towards the cultivation of the Transcendent Dimension of Consciousness.

The artistic manifestation is related to an awakening of the internal world, it is a bridge to the home of the essential being.

That’s right, Art has a necessary Spiritual Quality, inquiring into artistic manifestation is really inquiring into human nature itself. That is why, as we pointed out previously, it is necessary to explore art beyond the judgments and labels that society has imposed.

The true evolution of consciousness through Art is to intend to develop one’s own consciousness in oneself, empty oneself to go beyond the limits self-imposed by the ego, to walk towards the integral path where everything has its place. .

Finally, beyond Art in any of its manifestations, alm.a.rte will allow you to train your gaze so that you can percive the creativity that unfolds in every moment of life.

In short, Alm.a.rte will cultivate the creative attitude in you beyond Art itself, an attitude that will allow you to let go of outdated patterns and realize that you are the artist of the greatest Work of Art that is Yourself!!!




What will this experience be like?
Each gathering develops in a unique way. Although there is a structure that supports and guides this adventure, each meeting will have its own guiding Spirit.

All our meetings will take place on the yoga mat sitting on cushions, since each artistic practice will be approached through kundalini yoga exercises, and at the same time to generate a more relaxed space between us.. Don’t worry if you can’t sit on the floor during the entire meeting, there are always variations.

In this five-week trip we propose to navegate into diferents artistic practices to recognize, polish and integrate our most artistic dimension. This dimension, accompanied by full attention, will allow us to attain a higher level of consciousness and a new look at the following stages of the path of life.

Reinventing ourselves with awareness and creative resources helps us not only in the artistic field itself, but in all areas of life.

The transpersonal dimension that permeates this process will be the degree of consciousness that we live in the expansive flow of Creating.

In our practice of Transpersonal Art we always integrate the practice of meditation.

Inner silence is a key piece in the process.

We start from the stillness in sitting meditation, we incorporate the artistic tool, and we close with a few minutes of sitting meditation, to allow everything to continue developing internally and settle.

To take flight on this trip you only need your magic carpet (yoga mat), a cushion to sit and be comfortable, a comfortable and quiet place is very important, silence and solitude are essential to carry out the practice.

Artistic materials list will be sent by e-mail.

Who is this workshop for?

Well… for all, all and all !!

Here there are no restrictions, it does not matter if you know how to meditate or not, if you have ever practiced yoga, or if you have never had the opportunity to learn any artistic discipline… even better! Come and live this experience with all that innocence involved,so that you can enjoy art and yourself on a journey without limits.

Now, if you are one of those who is navigating in the world of art and you feel some blockage in your creative state, either due to dealing with mundane issues that demand a lot of energy and attention, or just simply need to investigate an emotional state, from a transpersonal journey here is an invitation for you to experience, unlock, discover and reinvent your deepest states with a more conscious sight.


This does not necessarily mean that you have to be going through a crisis in your life to live this experience, otherwise this gift may find you in a prosperous and full stage of your life and you just feel interesting incorporating techniques and tools that allow you and yours the expansion and development of self-awareness, in this way you will be able to embrace yourself in all your dimensions and integrate artistic tools to discover yourself and grow at all levels.



  • Ages: teenagers – adults
  • Every simgle Meetings will take place once a week with a duration of 75 minutes aprox.
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